Growing Cannabis Seeds Q & A


Have a question about growing cannabis seeds? There’s a good chance the answer is here! Browse through our helpful list of questions and answers, or search for your question in the search bar in the top right of the screen.

How many ounces can one plant produce?

The amount of flower you can get from one cannabis plant depends on the strain, the growing method, and the health of the plant, but the light source is a major factor. Most new gardeners will find their indoor plants can produce up to 1 oz per 100 watts. The number of plants doesn’t matter as much; in other words, if you have one 400-watt bulb, you should see about 4 oz of flower in total, whether you’re growing 4 or 10 plants. More watts = higher yield. If you’re growing outdoors, and the environment is ideal for cannabis growth, you could harvest more than 15 oz per plant. Some general research on the strain you’re planting should give you an idea of how much to expect in both indoor and outdoor environments.

What is the estimated growth period for a plant?

After a cannabis seed has been germinated, it produces a seedling that will grow and go through a vegetative stage and a flowering stage. The length of the vegetative stage for a feminized photoperiod strain can last anywhere from 3-16 weeks and some be somewhat determined by the gardener. They may choose to extend this period–when the plant experiences about 80 percent of its growth–to allow more space for bud production, or they may keep it to a couple of weeks to shorten the time until harvest. (Auto-flowering seeds are the exception. They automatically move into the flowering stage based on their age and not on light cycles.)

In the flowering stage, the growing time depends on the strain and whether it’s been grown from a photoperiod or autoflowering seed. On average, the flowering phase lasts from 49-63 days, but there are definitely some strains that can take 12 weeks and others just six. Including the vegetative stage, the entire growing process of the cannabis plant generally takes between 4-8 months with some taking less time and others a bit longer.

Do all feminized seeds become female cannabis plants?

Feminized cannabis seeds have a 99% likelihood of growing into female plants, which is to say they produce bud/flower, and cannot fertilize other plants. (This is a good thing, since male plants can interfere with bud production in females.) If your end goal is to harvest a lot of useable product, feminized seeds are the best and easiest choice. In addition, they save you time and resources as you will not need to identify and weed out the male plants.

How much light is required for a plant?

If you’re growing your feminized photoperiod cannabis plants indoors, you will want to provide them with 18-24 hours of light each day (plus 0-6 hours of dark) while they are in the vegetative stage. To encourage the plants to enter the flowering stage, change the lighting to an equal number of light and dark hours (12 on, 12 off).

If you want to grow your plants outdoors, it is often advisable to start them indoors, where you can give them all that excess light they need for the first few weeks of their life. Transfer them outdoors at a time of year when they are certain to get a good amount of light – ideally, the long days of summer.

However, just as we mentioned earlier, when it comes to autoflowers, they are not dependant on specific light schedules as they will automatically flip to flower on their own.

Will my cannabis plants need fertilizer?

Generally speaking, your cannabis plants will almost certainly need to be given fertilizers during their life cycle. During the vegetative stage, plants usually need a combination of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (N-P-K). Once they reach the flowering stage, you can turn down the nitrogen and turn up the phosphorous and potassium. Minimizing nitrogen hinders growth, so this step may even be taken during the vegetative stage if growing quarters are getting tight.

Be mindful that it is absolutely possible to give your plants too much of a good thing. In fact, it’s usually better to err on the side of fewer nutrients, rather than more. If the tips of the leaves begin turning yellow, your plants might be experiencing nutrient burn. Different nutrient deficiencies and excesses show up in different ways.

Can I use Miracle Grow on my plants?

Miracle Gro is not recommended for cannabis plants. It contains a large amount of nitrogen that releases over time, which will be detrimental once the flowering stage begins. The mix is also a bit low on the other nutrients – potassium and phosphorous – which are essential to cannabis plant health.

Is it a good idea to manage your pH of your plant roots in case of nutrient problems?

Checking the soil for pH every once in a while is a good way to make sure your plants stay healthy and don’t develop nutrient deficiencies. Sometimes, recognizing a problem with the pH can enable you to fix a problem before it affects your plants. If you are planting in soil, your pH should be between 6 and 7. If planting in a different medium, aim for a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.

How do I know when to stop fertilizing?

There are two reasons to stop fertilization of your cannabis plants: First, you may need to cut back on one type of nutrient if you notice the leaves appear burnt, or the plant is otherwise looking unhealthy. If you don’t know which nutrient is the problem, consider stopping all of them and slowly adding them back. Second, you might want to stop using fertilizer about a week before harvest. This is called “flushing” and can make your cannabis taste better.

How much water does a plant require daily?

The amount of water your cannabis plant needs depends on a few different factors, like the humidity and temperature in the growing area, and the drainage. In the case of plants growing in pots of soil, water should be given when the top half-inch or so of the soil is dry. Then, water should be given until you can see it gathering in the base. A general rule of thumb: each watering should be approximately ¼ of the pot’s total volume. If your plants are growing outdoors, an exact amount of water is hard to state. Essentially, if the leaves begin to droop, the plant needs more water. You can still use the “dry topsoil” method to determine when to irrigate–water when the soil is dry to about 1-inch deep.

Will the amount of water given to the plant change after a certain time, or should it consistently get the same amount of water?

When the plant is young, deliver small amounts of water at regular, short intervals. Check the soil – it should be dry on top, but still damp below the surface. As the plants become larger and hardier, they can be given larger amounts of water less frequently. As a general rule, watering of mature plants should occur every 2-3 days. Once the plant is flowering, water should be administered until it begins to run out the bottom of the pot.

Is it better to water my plant during the day or night?

Some growers believe watering plants while in sunlight (or during the hours the grow lights are on) is problematic because water droplets on the leaves can burn in the sun, and the light causes too much evaporation. This may not be a legitimate concern, as you should be watering your plants at the soil, not over the leaves. If you are concerned about evaporation, water your plants at night, but ultimately whether you water in the morning or evening does not appear to make a massive difference.

How long can a cannabis plant live without sunlight and water before it dies?

This depends on how often you water, in the first place. While too dry is often better than too wet, like any living thing, cannabis plants need water to survive. It’s possible the plant will survive a week or more without water (and certainly longer in the shade in cooler temps than in the scorching sun), but it could take some very gentle coaxing to get it back to health afterward.

Without light, not only will your plants not grow in size, but they will be “stressed” and you could face all the problems that come with that. Also, even though autoflowering marijuana plants aren’t reliant on changes in their light cycles in order to start to flower, this doesn’t mean that you can just grow them in total darkness.

Do all cannabis strains require the same time frame for growth?

No, different cannabis strains need different lengths of time to fully develop and produce the best possible yield. Strains like Rainbow Belts, Venom OG, and Cinex autoflower have shorter flowering periods of 50-60 days. Other strains, like G13 can spend 70-80 in the flowering stage.

Is it better to place your seeds in a darker room or near sunlight?

If you are planting your cannabis indoors, your seeds must be planted in a room that can be made completely light-tight. This is because the amount of light and darkness must be closely monitored during the life cycle of the plant. Once your plants have been placed in a room or space that can be completely blacked out, you can set up lamps that allow you to turn the “sunlight” on and off as needed.

What is a good planting pot to use for cannabis seeds?

If you are simply planning to grow your cannabis plants in soil, a regular gardening pot with a hole in the bottom to allow for drainage (and a tray to catch it) will work fine. Pots that allow the soil to dry out on all sides (usually made of porous, sturdy fabric), and “air pots” that allow the water to run out all along the sides of the pot also work well. Essentially, any pot that allows your plant to get the essentials it needs–moisture, oxygen to the roots, nutrients, etc.–is suitable for growing marijuana.

Can I plant two cannabis seeds in one pot?

Unless you’re using a really big pot, it’s usually best to plant your seeds in separate containers. If your plants grow side by side, they will have to battle it out for enough water, light, and nutrients, and often one plant will win while the other will suffer. Planting too close together can also result in mold growth on the overlapping leaves.

How many stages does a plant go through before it is ready to be harvested?

The short answer is four stages–germination, seedling, vegetative, and flowering. Once your cannabis seeds have germinated (the seed has cracked open and the tap root is visible), they can be planted and will enter the seedling stage, which they will remain in for about 2-3 weeks. Then after spending between three and 16 weeks in the vegetative stage, your plants should probably be ready to enter the flowering stage. Depending on the strain, the plant will spend anywhere between 40-90+ days in the flowering stage before it is ready for harvest.

What temperatures are best for outdoor season growing?

As long as you don’t plant your cannabis outdoors until the last frost has passed, it is unlikely that low temperatures will kill your plant –they may simply grow more slowly. If nighttime temperatures are consistently below 50 degrees F, the result will, at best, be smaller plants with smaller yields. The temperature of the ground is also an important consideration, as the roots require warmth as well. If the temperature falls below 40 degrees F, plant tissue damage can occur. If you live in an area that is prone to unexpected cold snaps in the late summer or early spring or that can experience severe storms etc. then either grow your marijuana plants in pots that you can move indoors when need be, or grow them in something like a greenhouse or hoop house where you can easily protect them from the elements.

For indoor cannabis gardening, what is the ideal temperature?

Obviously, every strain has its own unique needs when it comes to temperature and humidity levels. As such, it’s extremely important that you always read the product descriptions we provide with our marijuana seed strains so that you are able to ensure their needs are met.

However, just as a general rule of thumb, during the vegetative period try to keep your grow room between 68 and 77 degrees F. Adult plants in their flowering stage tend to prefer a range of around 65-85 degrees F. In the evening, aka “lights out time,” the temperature can be a bit lower. Most tend to say that the difference between light/daytime and dark/nighttime temperatures should not be more than 10 degrees F.

Which will grow more quickly, a plant grown indoors, or outdoors?

Cannabis plants grown indoors are often ready for harvest more quickly. However, they usually do not grow as large as they would if cultivated outside, which means that their yields are usually going to be smaller than their outdoor counterparts.

However, keep in mind that when growing indoors, you have complete control over their growing environment, which can minimize future potential problems. Outdoors, your plants are more susceptible to pests, air pollutants, and unpredictable changes in the weather.

Will outdoor plants get more sunlight than indoor plants?

The amount of direct sunlight an outdoor plant will receive depends on where you live, and the amount of sunny days your region experiences. That said, the plants do not differentiate between “real” sunlight and the light from the man-made light of the grow room. Indoors, cannabis plants can be grown under fluorescent, HID, and LED lights with good results.

Are CFL lights good for seeding?

Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are a great light choice for small indoor growing spaces. They have a wide light spectrum that is well-suited to cannabis growth. That said, if you want to harvest a lot of plants or have a very high yield on each plant, CFLs are not the best choice. Opt instead for LED or HID lights.

What factors can affect the potency of the cannabis flowers?

The strain you choose to grow will always have the most effect on the potency of your plant. In other words, if you plant a strain that has about 10% THC, it’s never going to be as potent as a strain that has about 20% THC. That said, there are some factors that could affect the potency of your harvest. Good amounts of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium have been linked to higher potency. Where you are in the world may also affect the THC/CBD level of your plants (if growing outdoors). Bright light–either sunlight or man-made–will contribute to good cannabinoid production during the flowering stage.

Do indica strains have a shorter flowering time than sativa dominant strains?

In general, yes, indica-dominant strains have shorter flowering stages than sativas. On average, indicas require 8-12 weeks of flowering, while sativas need 10-16. That said, often indicas will be left in the vegetative stage longer, because this allows them to grow larger and support more flowers, so the total life cycle length might be the same. See our article on the topic, to learn more about the differences between indicas and sativas.

What sativa plant would you recommend?

There is no single best cannabis plant; the ideal strain is the one that best treats the condition you are medicating for, or that gives you the effect you want. For example, Tangerine Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid that offers relaxation while still enabling you to be active and productive. Diesel is a good choice for experiencing some soothing calm.

What indica cannabis strain is recommended for rest and relaxation?

A high-indica strain such as Mazar is a great choice for inducing sleep. To avoid the traditional marijuana “high” a CBD strain like Critical Mass is another good option. Also, keep in mind that the effects will last longer if you consume your cannabis in edible form than if you smoke or vape it.

How much space does one plant need if it is grown indoors?

You shouldn’t;t need more than a 5-gallon pail or pot in order to plant a single cannabis plant. Just make sure the pot is in a place that has relatively stable temperature and humidity levels.

What are the qualities of a good cannabis seed?

Never assume a cannabis seed won’t germinate just based on how it looks. There’s no harm in attempting to germinate it. But the most viable seeds will usually be dark in color rather than light, seem a bit waxy, have a hard shell (a gentle squeeze doesn’t crush it), and be free of cracks.

In what soil should cannabis plants be grown?

Look for a soil that is light enough to allow good drainage, that retains enough water for your plants to slowly absorb. The soil should be dark and soft, without chunks of wood or rock in it. When it gets wet, the ideal soil will look like wet soil, not like mud (in other words, avoid a soil that looks like “dirt”.) Some things to add to your soil for the perfect mix: perlite, vermiculite, worm castings.

Does the ideal soil vary if the plant is being grown outdoors?

It is harder to control the quality of the soil if you are growing outdoors in the ground. That said, a soil that is lightweight and dark, which does not turn into mud when watered, and is free of chunks of wood, rock, or other large items, is always the best choice. Indoors or out, you will need to make sure your soil and plant receive nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous throughout the plant’s life cycle.

If my first plant dies, should I use fresh soil and replant another seed or use the same soil?

If the first plant dies because it was forgotten about, then it is probably fine to reuse the soil it was planted in. But if the plant got sick and died, it is best to begin again with new soil, to avoid the possibility that whatever killed your first plant is still residing in the soil. If you’re at all uncertain of the cause of your plant’s death, use new soil just to be safe.

Are all cannabis plants green, or do they have mixtures of colors in them?

It really depends on the strain, but for the most part, cannabis plants are green. However, there are plenty of marijuana strains that produce sugar leaves and nuggets that have oranges, reds, blues, purples, etc.

Otherwise, the appearance of a different color can signify a nutrient deficiency. If the tips of the leaves are beginning to turn yellow or brown, they may be lacking nitrogen or potassium. Dark-color leaves with visible purple veins and stems could mean too little phosphorous.

Should I be wearing gloves while handling my cannabis plants?

As long as your hands are clean, working without gloves is unlikely to harm your plants. However, repeated exposure to cannabis plants has been seen to cause skin irritation. That, combined with nutrients and pesticides and other gardening products with which you may come in contact, could hurt your hands. Using gloves is a good way to avoid these problems.

How much distance do two plants need from each other while being grown indoors?

Aim for a foot or two between the stalk of each plant. This will prevent the leaves from overlapping and potentially developing mold. The exception here is the Screen of Green and Sea of Green growing methods. Spacing your plants needlessly far apart is not good either, as it will require you to install more grow lamps than you actually need.

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